Saturday, 24 January 2009

Obama In The House!!!

This t-shirt says it all really....
I know he was officially President on the 21st, but this is the first time I've had access to a computer in about a week....
...But I have this t shirt :D, if you want one of your own click here
And here's his inauguration speech for anyone who wants to watch it (it comes in two parts):

Friday, 2 January 2009

It's 2009 Already?!

It's amazing how quickly 2008 went. It doesn't seem that long ago when I was celebrating the fact that it was HERE...and before I know it, it's now 2009!
Quite a few things happened in 2008; there was the Olympics in Beijing, Obama made history after begin elected, and this blog began :) (if to name a few).
Generally, I felt this was a good year for me (well compared to last year anyway). It may not have been great all around....but oh well, could have been worse :/.
I don't know why but I have a feeling about this year, something tells me it's going to be one of the best years yet...

Anyway, I know I'm a day off =S, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Have a good one ;)